by The Curious Technologist | Jul 21, 2017 | Raspberry Pi, Tech
Gigabyte’s GA-SBCAP3350 is compact, but at 146 x 102mm is quite a bit bigger than the 85 x 56mm Raspberry Pi. That increased size provides quite a lot of flexibility, however. Buyers can customize memory and storage at time of purchase, and can upgrade those...
by The Curious Technologist | Jun 6, 2017 | News, Raspberry Pi
Gary Sims has put together a guide on building a Nintendo clone out of a Raspberry Pi; have one laying around? Here’s a way to put it to use if you didn’t get your hands on the NES Classic Edition before Nintendo killed its short lifespan. Read...
by The Curious Technologist | May 31, 2017 | Raspberry Pi
Gus at PiMyLifeUp has put together a straight forward, easy to follow guide to turn your Raspberry Pi into a simple time lapse capturing device. All you need is a Pi, the Raspberry Pi Camera, and your typical Pi accessories (SD card, power supply, keyboard, mouse,...
by The Curious Technologist | May 31, 2017 | Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi Foundation and the CoderDojo Foundation have merged in order to combine forces and accelerate both organisation’s mission to teach kids how to code. Raspberry Pi Foundation CEO Philip Colligan wrote that the two organisations “see an opportunity...
by The Curious Technologist | Dec 8, 2016 | Raspberry Pi, Uncategorized
A 5-inch HDMI touchscreen display for use with Raspberry Pi is available from Winstar.With a resolution of 800 x 480 the display is available with resistive and capacitive touch options.It comes with a control board with HDMI interface and a 40 pin connector for...