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futurescope: Volvo Trucks: New technology prevents accidents by making trucks “more human” Without doubt, that’s the slogan of the surely beautifully designe...

prostheticknowledge: ELF X ELEC Freaks have developed a palm-sized open-source 3D printed mini-drone to be used for smartphone VR experiences - videos embedde...

txchnologist: Cloaking System Could Make Blind Spots, Surgeons’ Hands Disappear by Michael Keller Scientists investigating the principles of how light behaves...

prostheticknowledge: Six Monkeys Design project from Brendan Dawes is a collection of six physical objects that explore our relationship to email: Six Monkey...

neuromorphogenesis: Why Does Sleeping In Just Make Me More Tired? We’ve all been there: It’s been a long week at work, so Friday night, you reward yourself by...

fastcodesign: 4 Wearables That Give You Superpowers Super strength. Super hearing. Super artistry. Super expression. The future of wearables is really a quest...

futurescope: Zoobotics is developing modular animal-like robots made from paper, wood or plastics that can be assembled with a few tools A startup from Hambu...