Soil IQ looks to design, data and connectivity to make gardening & farming more sustainable
Startup Re:char has spun out a new venture c...
TABLE-TABLE / Sabine Marcelis
TABLE-TABLE is a home office furniture which, by utilizing the unique properties of Electronically Switchable S...
Real-life Iron Man suit commissioned by US military
The technology in Iron Man is getting a step closer to reality thanks to the United States...
The appropriately strange journey of QWOP’s creator from philosopher to game professor
Bennett Foddy had to make a difficult leap. Moving from one conti...
Intel's technology for 'internet of things' designed by the IrishIntelâ’s technology for ‘internet of thingsâ' designed by the Irish
From ...
Mercedes-Benz TV: Autonomous long-distance drive
With its S 500 INTELLIGENT DRIVE research vehicle, Mercedes-Benz in August 2013 became the worl...